
Bringing out the Best In You

If life feels overwhelming, it’s not your fault.

Together, we will:


  • Unpack how your earlier experiences are still holding you back and impacting you today
  • Notice and address your triggers
  • Go back in time
  • Feelings work (hard for those of us who learned to suppress in service of protection)
  • Learn to turn towards pain/painful feelings with curiosity instead of suppressing or magnifying
  • Beginning to notice the ways we self-sabotage in the way of self protection, though it ultimately holds us back
  • Start to bring down the walls we’ve put up and open to possibility
  • Live authentically as ourselves
  • Begin to seek out the connection and/or solitude that we need.
  • Unpack your attachment style and how it still shows up today, despite being formed in childhood

Trauma Recovery Coaching

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Trauma-Informed Secondary Support

The capacity to learn is intertwined with a student’s mental health and overall wellbeing. I integrate the two so that both are supported.

As an educator at an alternative high school, I deeply understand the challenges that youth today are navigating. Young people who are navigating a lot deeply benefit from trauma-informed support from a caring professional in the education world.

With over ten years of experience in education, an M.Ed in Social Justice Education, and a deep desire for equitable outcomes, I believe in meeting young people where they’re at and supporting them on their path to success, whatever that looks like for them. 



Support navigating the education system

Expertise in English Literature & Social Sciences


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